Karen is a very real person, in reality, in my life. In fact she is so real and important to me that she is my wife! The two of us met when we both worked in broadcast television. Once we started dating I decided to add her to the comic because, after all, I'd added all the other people in the world that I knew at the time. So, why not? But I didn't want to add her as Thomas's love interest, or anyone's love interest to be honest, so I thought the gang needed a central place to hang out (and that I could draw backgrounds for and reuse in a time crunch) and The Cocoa Bean was born with Karen and the creator and owner of not only the store, but the brand too.
I've found that, when writing, most of the time the writer isn't that aware of what form anything he is writing will take shape - at least it's that way for me - and by adding something new, whether it be large or small, that will be enough to open up the storyline or universe of any given story. By adding The Cocoa Bean I then had the backstory for Karen, how she created the brand in college and sold the license to a big corporate entity, then that little nugget of information led to me realizing that she's really business savvy and then that lead to me having a whole new vehicle for a whole lot more stories, problems and adventures in the future.